Friday, December 17, 2010

Automated Gawker DB Lookup/Reset Script

Due to the Gawker user database compromise, we thought we'd share the script we're using to reset passwords for those users that are found in the Gawker list. It's a Ruby script that will go through the list of compromised emails and check it against your database of emails.

You can find it on GitHub here.

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Note: You will need the list of usernames and emails that were compromised in the Gawker hack. Due to privacy/security concerns, we are not including the username/email list (although it is widely available on the Internet). We know this is kind of a pain, but we don't want to be the ones spreading spam love around.

Included on the GitHub page for the script is a form to fill out if you need help or would want access to the Gawker list (provided we can verify you're who you say you are).

Thursday, December 16, 2010

IBM DeveloperWorks Features Appoxy's SimpleJPA

In keeping with Appoxy open source week (not nearly as cool as Shark Week but still), it makes sense to mention another Appoxy open source "win." This time its with Appoxy's SimpleJPA, a Java Persistence API (JPA) implementation for connecting to Amazon's SimpleDB, Amazon's key-value data store.

IBM published a great post in its developerWorks section a little while ago providing a tutorial on SimpleDB, Java, and SimpleJPA. The article was written by Andrew Glover, an author/developer at Beacon50. Glover does a terrific job explaining SimpleDB and showing how SimpleJPA can easily connect a Java application to it. Here's a synopsis of the tutorial:
This whirlwind tour of SimpleDB [shows] you how to manipulate objects in the non-relational datastore using both the Amazon Web services API and SimpleJPA. Simple JPA implements a subset of the Java Persistence API to make object persistence in SimpleDB easier. One of the conveniences of using that it automatically converts primitive types to the string objects that SimpleDB recognizes. SimpleJPA also handles SimpleDB's no-join rules for you automatically, making it easier to model relationships. SimpleJPA's extensive listener interfaces also make it possible to implement logical data integrity rules, which you've probably come to expect from the relational world.

SimpleJPA was written by Travis Reeder, one of Appoxy's co-founders. He's on the Ruby side of the fence now but has spent many years building highly scalable Java applications, for employers and clients as well as on open source projects. Of note, he served on the project management committee for the Apache MyFaces project, which is an open-source implementation of JavaServer Faces, an established standard for web-development frameworks in Java. (It is based on the MVC paradigm and includes advanced component-based and event-oriented support.)

Amazon promotes SimpleJPA as one of the primary Java interfaces to SimpleDB, using it in sample code and evangelizing its use. Having it also appear in IBM's developerWorks section is just another validation of Appoxy strong. Here's the concluding sentence to the post:

Note: Given we're talking about SimpleJPA, it makes sense to mention Appoxy's SimpleRecord, a Ruby gem that makes it easy to connect Ruby applications to SimpleDB. Like SimpleJPA, SimpleRecord performs the mapping from application code to SimpleDB's key-value data storage format. Below is a mention of a blog post at that explains it's use.

Amazon SimpleDB, Rails, and Appoxy SimpleRecord

This post is a tie-in to the post above. A bit ago, a blogger/developer did a piece on Amazon SimlpeDB, Rails, and Appoxy SimpleRecord. Seems fitting to put it here so that we appear developer inclusive. We don't have a Python interface SimpleDB so Pythonites (istas?) are unfortunately left to their own.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Redesigned Appoxy Website

If you're reading this, you've likely seen the redesigned Appoxy website we released over the weekend. Captures all the things we're doing at Appoxy -- building web applications for others and developing cloud management tools in the process.

It's just a start. Look for more information on services, on customers, on products, and on tips and insights on developing in the cloud.

And also more pictures of the team and the fun Appoxites (Appoxians??) bring to their work.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cloud Computing Tests

Watching the live stream of Marc Benioff's keynote at Salesforce's Dreamforce conference today in San Francisco. He's moving quickly from topic to topic burying the ledes in many of them. He says, "databases need to be in the cloud" and then moves on. Took Travis to note to me that Techcrunch this morning posted a notice that Salesforce launched, a SimpleDB-like cloud data storage service. Update: At the end of his talk, before handing the mic over to the product people, he runs through the list of products -- included. It looks like an
impressive list, putting Salesforce as a serious company to watch in the cloud infrastructure space.

At some point, he moves on to some digs at Oracle. (There are many of these throughout.) One story he tells leads up to his call for a cloud test. "We need a cloud computing test" soon followed by "beware the false cloud." It's a nice couple lines. The slide that goes along with it makes a lot of sense when going up against Oracle.

But it's not necessarily as good as Amazon's list of cloud attributes:

Note that the first slide talks about cloud (kloud) definition number 1 (software as a service). Amazon, of course, is offering up cloud definition number 2 (infrastructure as a service).

Now if only Marc could go after Microsoft for their brainless "into the cloud" TV commercials. (We're not linking to them because you won't forgive us if we do.)