Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cloud Computing Meetup tonight

Heading to a Cloud Computing Meetup in Mountain View tonight. Topic is go-to-market strategy and innovation. 300+ people have signed up.

Only issue with these types of talks is the definition of cloud computing is so broad (not unlike "hey, we're getting to together to talk about the Internet or Web 2.0"). With cloud computing now, topics run the gamut from SaaS to PaaS, enterprise b2b, consumer web, developer markets, tools, and beyond.

Now that we're into 2011, "cloud computing" needs subcategories or else it just looks like those darn Microsoft commercials about "going to the cloud."

Friday, January 7, 2011

Facebook to Email, a new Appoxy Production

We recently launched a new service at www.fb2e.com that will, with one click sign up, start sending your Facebook feed to your inbox every day. This is great for getting your social fix without having to go to Facebook all the time to see what's going on with your friends. Also great for those who work at a place that blocks Facebook. ;)

Check it out and let us know what you think in the comments below!

For the techies out there, the core part of this service is sending emails to a large number of people on a schedule and this was made easy by using SimpleWorker to schedule and send out all the emails. The Facebook connection part was made using the mini_fb gem.