Wednesday, March 23, 2011

San Francisco Ruby on Rails Meetup Tomorrow Night

Tomorrow evening is the Inaugural San Francisco Ruby on Rails Meetup so come out and meet your fellow SF Rubyists. Jonathan Siegel, founder of RightScale, RightSignature, and RightCart will be speaking. Be sure to sign up if you'd like to come. Pizza and Beer to be had by all!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cloud + M2M = Disruption of Things

Part 1 of a white paper on Cloud and M2M is up on ReadWriteWeb. In it we mention one of our clients, Plaster Networks, makers of awesome IP-over-powerline network adapters. They use the cloud to make their products even more intelligent.

Here's the start:

The use of cloud infrastructure and cloud services provides a low-cost means to create highly scalable applications. Even better, the cloud dramatically improves development speed and agility. Applications can be developed in much less time with much smaller teams. And as these benefits extend themselves in the machine-to-machine (M2M) space, companies creating M2M applications will see dramatic reduction in the cost of developing applications and provisioning services.

Articles on the Internet of Things (or Web of Things) are increasingly finding their way into mainstream news. Executives of large companies (such as the CEO of Sprint) and even government officials (such as the Chinese Premier) are speaking about the possibilities and opportunities of having ubiquitous sensors connected to the Internet.

The use of the cloud - in combination with the advent of low-cost sensors and high-availability M2M data transmission - will transform old industries and modify many business models. Almost every major electronic device, vehicle, building component, and piece of equipment has the ability to become "smart" by connecting sensors to it. Most devices already do. The difference though is that moving data to the cloud and being able to process it in infinite combinations provides new capabilities in very low cost, transparent ways.

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